Monday, June 10, 2024


Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2025: July 21, 2025 – July 25, 2025

The goal of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) is to internationally highlight the excellence of mathematical achievements in the Americas and foster collaborations among researchers, students, institutions and mathematical societies in the Americas.


Special Sessions:

In the Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA), take a look at

Session 38: Conservation Laws: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis with Applications


Eduardo Abreu (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, contact organizer)
Fabio Ancona (University of Padua, Italy)
Maria Teresa Chiri (Queen’s University, Canada)
Xiaoqian Gong (Amherst College, USA)
Michael Herty (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Brief Summary: Hyperbolic conservation laws have been subject to extensive analytical and numerical studies over the last decades. It is widely known that their solutions can exhibit very complex behavior including the simultaneous presence of smooth waves, wave breaking, and shock waves. These equations describe the conservation of some basic physical quantities of a system, and they arise in all branches of science and engineering: from fluid dynamics to vehicular traffic modeling. The scope of this Special Session is to bring together researchers with interests in the theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations with real-life applications and discuss the state of the art of the field.

In the perspective of accomplishing the goals of the 2025 Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA2025), the invited speakers are of different ages, nationalities, and different scientific career stages and they are selected among the leaders in the field. This aspect makes the Special Session suitable for training young researchers and fostering interactions between several mathematical communities across the Americas (South, Central and North).

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The following work have been accepted for publication on "Computers and Mathematics with Applications" and it will available online soon: (CAMWA,

Mathematical properties and numerical approximation of pseudo-parabolic systems

E. Abreu,  E. Cuesta, A. Duran and W. Lambert.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Shared Link (50 days' free access starting at April 25, 2024)

The paper is concerned with the mathematical theory and numerical approximation of systems of partial differential equations (pde) of hyperbolic, pseudo-parabolic type. Some mathematical properties of the initial-boundary-value problem (ibvp) with Dirichlet boundary conditions are first studied. They include the weak formulation, well-posedness and existence of traveling wave solutions connecting two states, when the equations are considered as a variant of a conservation law. Then, the numerical approximation consists of a spectral approximation in space based on Legendre polynomials along with a temporal discretization with strong stability preserving (SSP) property. The convergence of the semidiscrete approximation is proved under suitable regularity conditions on the data. The choice of the temporal discretization is justified in order to guarantee the stability of the full discretization when dealing with nonsmooth initial conditions. A computational study explores the performance of the fully discrete scheme with regular and nonregular data.

Keywords: Pseudo-parabolic equations, spectral methods, error estimates, strong stability preserving methods, non-regular data.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

VII Congresso Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Matemática CLAM 2024

Session title: "Conservation laws: mathematical analysis and industrial-based models"

Aparecido Souza - UFPB - Brazil
Úrsula Iturrarán Viveros - UNAM - México
Pablo Castañeda - ITAM -  - México
Eduardo Abreu - IMECC-UNICAMP - Brazil

Aims and Scope: The objective of the thematic session entitled "Conservation laws: mathematical analysis and industrial-based models'', under the auspicious of the "VII Congreso Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Matemática'', is to bring together researchers from various fields with a central focus in mathematics with interests in the theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations and of related mathematical industrial-based models and some current trends. The research program focuses on an important synergy that engages several researchers and includes experts on modelling, analysis and computation to conservation laws. This aspect makes this field eminently suitable to train young researchers in and foster interactions between mathematical disciplines from an affirmative perspective to scientific development of countries in Latin American and Caribbean.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The following work have been accepted for publication on Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS; /journal/communications-in-nonlinear-science-and-numerical-simulation) and is now available online:

A relaxation approach to modeling properties of hyperbolic-parabolic type models

Eduardo Abreu, Wanderson Jose Lambert, Arthur Miranda do Espírito Santo and John Perez.


• We propose a novel relaxation approach for modeling convection-diffusion problems via a hyperbolic system.
• The new system satisfies Liu’s sub-characteristic condition, ensuring solution stability.
• We apply the relaxation modeling to both classical and non-classical models.
• From numerical experiments, we verify the new system’s solutions converge to those of the original equations.

Keywords: Modeling using PDEs via Relaxation; Liu sub-characteristic condition; Convection-diffusion problems; Discontinuous flux function; Discontinuous coefficient in space; Numerical validation of models.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Workshop in complex fluids and solid mechanics II - June 13, 2024

Host institution: Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences, University of Minho

This is the second edition of the Workshop in Complex Fluids and Solid Mechanics, to be held at the Centre of Mathematics of the University of Minho in the 13th of June 2024.

Aims and Scope: Complex Fluids and Solid Mechanics are of great interest and relevance to scientific research, experimental technologies, and industrial applications.  The main goal of this workshop is to foster discussion and collaboration among mathematicians with diverse backgrounds and a common interest in solving problems related to materials exhibiting complex behavior and properties.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

We are pleased to share news from the ECCOMAS Congress 2024 to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 3th – 7th of June, 2024 and in particular the following Mini-Symposia:

MS215 - Advances in Numerical Methods for Shallow Water Equations and its Applications

Keywords: shallow water equations, computational fluid dynamics, free surface models

Organized by:

E. Bachini (University of Padua, Italy) and

M. Fois (Politecnico di Milano, Italy).


MS005 - Deep Learning Computing

Keywords: Computing, Deep Learning, Partial Differential Equations

Organized by:

M. Castro (University of Malaga, Spain),

D. Pardo (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain) and

F. Chinesta (ENSAM Institute of Technology, France)


Thursday, February 15, 2024

III Workshop de Equações Dispersivas da UFMG, 19 e 20 de fevereiro de 2024.

O evento acontecerá na sala 3060 do Instituto de Ciências Exatas (ICEx).

O estudo das equações dispersivas não-lineares tem sido muito ativo nos últimos tempos. Equações desse tipo modelam diversos fenômenos em ciência natural, dentre eles podemos destacar a teoria de ondas em fluidos, óptica não-linear, mecânica quântica.

Para mais detalhes sobre o III Workshop de Equações Dispersivas da UFMG 2024, ver o site oficial do evento:


Monday, February 5, 2024

The following work have been accepted for publication on Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (JHDE; and will available online soon:

Riemann problem solutions for a balance law under Dirac-Delta source with a discontinuous flux.

Eduardo Abreu, Vítor Matos, John Perez and Panters Rodriguez-Bermudez.

Keywords: Conservation laws; Discontinuous flux; δ-Dirac; Uniqueness of weak entropy solutions; Non viscous solutions; No-flow Lagrangian-Eulerian approach.

Monday, January 29, 2024


16th annual meeting of International Society for Porous Media
Dates: Monday, May 13, 2024 - Thursday, May 16, 2024
Venue: Shangri-La Hotel Qingdao, Qingdao, China

The Focus Theme of InterPore2024 will be “porous media and biology.”
This includes occurrence and applications of biology in living organs, plants, and in medicine,
as well as in soil, oil and gas reservoirs. It will include theories and (bio)physics, experiments,
imaging, mathematics, and modelling.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The following work have been published an it is now available in the latest volume of Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: Volume 437, February 2024, 115465, ISSN 0377-0427.

A triangle-based positive semi-discrete Lagrangian–Eulerian scheme via the weak asymptotic method for scalar equations and systems of hyperbolic conservation laws

Eduardo Abreu, Jorge Agudelo, John Pérez.


Keywords: Hyperbolic conservation laws; Lagrangian–Eulerian method; Semi-discrete scheme on triangular grids; Weak asymptotic analysis; Kruzhkov entropy solution; Positivity principle

Monday, January 22, 2024


International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2026 , Philadelphia, USA, 23th to 30th July 2026

ICM 2026 will be hosted at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia over 23–30 July 2026.

The 20th IMU General Assembly will convene at the Marriott Marquis Times Square over 20–21 July 2026.

International Mathematical Union (IMU) Home ==>

Saturday, October 7, 2023

VI Workshop on Fluids and PDE,  Campinas, Brazil, 23rd to 27th October 2023

The VI Workshop on Fluids and PDE – Celebrating the 60th birthdays of Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes and Milton C. Lopes Filho focusing on the major contributions of their work in the field of mathematical modeling and rigorous analysis of fluid dynamics problems, particularly incompressible flows with little regularity (non-smooth) and turbulent flows.

The conference will be held at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC) between 23rd and 27th October 2023 at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil,

A updated list of confirmed speakers at the VI Workshop on Fluids and PDE is now online:


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The following work have been published and made available online during September 2023:

A study of non-equilibrium wave groups in two-phase flow in high-contrast porous media with relative permeability hysteresis

Eduardo Abreu, Paola Ferraz, Wanderson José Lambert.


Keywords: Non-equilibrium two-phase flows, Relaxation hysteresis, High-contrast porous media, Analytical-numerical methods, Discontinuous flux and Projection relaxation method

Avaialble online on 25 September 2023

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The following works have been published and made available online during July 2023:

On the well-posedness via the JKO approach and a study of blow-up of solutions for a multispecies Keller-Segel chemotaxis system with no mass conservation.

Julio C. Valencia-Guevara, John Pérez, Eduardo Abreu.


Keywords: Blow-up Keller–Segel, Multispecies chemotaxis, JKO scheme, Optimal transport Wasserstein gradient flows, Multistep discretization, Numerical simulations.

Avaialble online on 18 July 2023


A triangle-based positive semi-discrete Lagrangian–Eulerian scheme via the weak asymptotic method for scalar equations and systems of hyperbolic conservation laws.  

Eduardo Abreu, Jorge Agudelo, John Pérez. 


Keywords: Hyperbolic conservation laws, Lagrangian–Eulerian method, Semi-discrete scheme on triangular grids, Weak asymptotic analysis, Kruzhkov entropy solution, Positivity principle.

Avaialble online on 25 July 2023. 

A new computational model for karst conduit flow in carbonate reservoirs including dissolution-collapse breccias. 

Isamara Landim, Marcio A. Murad, Patricia Pereira, Eduardo Abreu .


Keywords:  Carbonates with karst cave conduits, Lower-dimensional model reduction, Collapse-breccia, Coupled 3D/1D flows, Non-linear Robin transmission condition, Hybridized mixed methods.

Avaialble online on 31 July 2023

Monday, June 26, 2023

The following work have been published and made available online during June 2023:

A Lagrangian-Eulerian Method on Regular Triangular Grids for Hyperbolic Problems: Error Estimates for the Scalar Case and a Positive Principle for Multidimensional Systems

Eduardo Abreu, Jorge Eliécer Agudelo, Wanderson José Lambert, John Pérez.


Keywords: Conservation laws and first-order hyperbolic system, no-flow curves and triangular grids, vector fields with bounded directional variation, positive Lagrangian-Eulerian method, entropy measure-valued solutions and entropy process, a priori error estimates.

Avaialble online on 26 June 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023

Num Hyp 2023 - Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, 26-30 June, Bordeaux (France)

On issues related to recent developments and new directions in the field of numerical methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations:

The conference will be held at the Institut de Mathématiques, Campus of Talence at the University of Bordeaux.

The program of the NumHyp23 conference is now online:

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

14th ISAAC Congress 2023, University of São Paulo, Campus Ribeirão Preto (Brazil)
July 17 to July 21, 2023

Home and General View/Informations LINK:

Take a look at the session and Invited speakers in the "PDEs in Fluid Mechanics" in 14th ISAAC congress 2023,

Friday, April 28, 2023

 Workshop in Complex Fluids and Solid Mechanics

June 2, 2023  --

Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics
School of Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal
Gualtar Campus, Building 6, room 3.08

Monday, March 20, 2023

The 6th InterPore Brazil Chapter Meeting in 2023

It is our great pleasure to announce that in 2023 the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) will host the 6th InterPore Brazilian Chapter Meeting (totally in person!)  from 7-9 August 2023 in Campinas-SP, Brazil.

The LNLS is located in Campinas City, in the São Paulo State (Southeast Region of Brazil). The city is home to State University of Campinas (UNICAMP –


Eduardo Abreu (UNICAMP-IMECC)
Chair, InterPore Brazilian Chapter

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The following works have been published and made available online during December 2022 to February 2023:

An exponential integration generalized multiscale finite element method for parabolic problems.

Luis Hernandez, David Pardo, Eduardo Abreu, Judit Muñoz-Matute Ciro Díaz, Juan Galvis.


Keywords: Multiscale approximation, Time integration, Functions of matrices, Finite element methods.

Avaialble online on 21 February 2023


Convergence, bounded variation properties and Kruzhkov solution of a fully discrete Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme via weak asymptotic analysis for hyperbolic problems.  

Eduardo Abreu, Arthur Espírito Santo, Wanderson Lambert, Jonh Pérez. 


Keywords: Fully discrete Lagrangian–Eulerian scheme, Kruzhkov entropy condition, maximum principle, no-flow curves, positivity-preserving, total variation nonincreasing, weak asymptotic analysis, weak bounded variation.

Avaialble online on 26 December 2022. 

A geometrically intrinsic lagrangian-Eulerian scheme for 2D shallow water equations with variable topography and discontinuous data. 

Eduardo Abreu, Elena Bachini, John Pérez, Mario Putti.


Keywords:  Balance laws on surface, Shallow water equations, Non-autonomous fluxes, Spatially variable topography, Intrinsic lagrangian-Eulerian scheme, No-flow surfaces.

Avaialble online on 21 December 2022