

Principal Investigator: Eduardo Abreu


• [Mar/2023 − Feb/2028] Numerical analysis, discretization of discontinuous ODEs/PDEs flows and multiscale irregular fields, CNPq Call 09/2023. Process: 307641/2023-6 (Type/Level PQ-1D CNPq). Mathematics and Statistics CNPq Committee.

• [Jan/2021 − Dec/2023] Modelización y Análisis Numérico en Problemas de Evolución con Aplicaciones a Biología, Economía y Mecánica de Fluídos. Grant by Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2020-113554GB-I00/AEI/10.
13039/501100011033) PIs  Óscar Angulo Torga (University of Valladolid - UVa) and Julia Martínez Rodríguez (University of Valladolid - UVa).


• [May/2023 − Dec/2023] Weak asymptotic method for scalar conservation laws with nonlocal flux: numerical analysis and applications, FAPESP Grant 2022/15108-0, Applied Mathematics. Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - International: Researcher  Juan Carlos Juajibioy Otero.

• [Feb/2020 − Jan/2021] Study of partial differential algebraic equations of hyperbolic-parabolic dominance with relaxation: theory, numerics and applications, FAPESP Grant 2019/20991-8, Applied Mathematics.  Research Grants - Visiting Researcher Grant - Brazil: Researcher Wanderson Lambert.

• [Mar/2020 − Feb/2024] Innovative conservative discretizations for PDE models with discontinuous flows, CNPq Call 06/2019. Process: 306385 / 2019-8 (Mode / Level: PQ-1B CNPq). Mathematics and Statistics CNPq Committee.

• [July/2017 − June/2019] Conservation laws, balance laws and related PDEs with discontinuous and nonlocal fluxes in applied sciences: numerical analysis, theory and applications, FAPESP Grant number: 16/23374-1

• [Dec/2016 − Nov/2019] Multi-Scale Methods for Numerical Simulation of Oil Reservoirs process 2015/00398-0, Petrobrás.

• [Nov/2014 − Nov/2017] Numerical mathematics approach for solving partial differential equation models with solutions for multiphase flow discontinuous functions, CNPq Grant number: 445758/2014-7.

• [Sep/2014 − Aug/2016] Computing qualitatively correct approximations of partial differential equations in porous media transport phenomena, FAPESP Grant number: 14/03204-9.

• [Mar/2012 − Jul/2015] Systems of balance laws problems in fluid dynamics in porous media: mathematical modeling and numerical approximation, FAPESP Grant number: 11/23628-0.

• [April/2013−April/2013] Design of a well-balanced scheme for the numerical approximation of a three-phase flow model with discontinuous flux functions, FAPESP Grant number: 12/19874-8.

• [October/2011 − September/2013] Numerical analysis and mathematical modeling of non-linear PDEs applied to fluid dynamics in porous media, FAPESP Grant number: 11/11897-6.

• [March/2007 − February/2009] 2007 - 2009 Advanced Recovery Methods of Hydrocarbons in Heterogeneous Oil Reservoirs – CNPq Universal  MCT/CNPq (473213/2007-9).

• [March/2007 − February/2008] Postdoctoral fellowship sponsored by Petrobras/Council for Development of Science and Technology (CNPq), Brazil.

Two-Fold Projects: Initiatives with Industrial Impact & Basic Science Research. 

[Dec/2016 − Nov/2019] Multi-Scale Methods for Numerical Simulation of Oil Reservoirs process 2015/00398-0 (2017-2020), Petrobrás.