The following works have been published and made available online during December 2022 to February 2023:
An exponential integration generalized multiscale finite element method for parabolic problems.
Luis Hernandez, David Pardo, Eduardo Abreu, Judit Muñoz-Matute Ciro Díaz, Juan Galvis.
Keywords: Multiscale approximation, Time integration, Functions of matrices, Finite element methods.
Avaialble online on 21 February 2023
bounded variation properties and Kruzhkov solution of a fully discrete
Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme via weak asymptotic analysis for hyperbolic
Eduardo Abreu, Arthur Espírito Santo, Wanderson Lambert, Jonh Pérez.
Keywords: Fully discrete Lagrangian–Eulerian scheme, Kruzhkov entropy condition, maximum principle, no-flow curves, positivity-preserving, total variation nonincreasing, weak asymptotic analysis, weak bounded variation.
Avaialble online on 26 December 2022.
A geometrically intrinsic lagrangian-Eulerian scheme for 2D shallow water equations with variable topography and discontinuous data.
Eduardo Abreu, Elena Bachini, John Pérez, Mario Putti.
Keywords: Balance laws on surface, Shallow water equations, Non-autonomous fluxes, Spatially variable topography, Intrinsic lagrangian-Eulerian scheme, No-flow surfaces.
Avaialble online on 21 December 2022